Friday, June 10, 2011

2 Renewable Energy Proposals for Cebu

2 private entities have sought permission from the Department of Energy (DOE) to put up renewable energy sources in Argao and Toledo City, Cebu. Lawyer Marissa Cerezo, DOE Renewable Energy Management Bureau assistant director, said the department is evaluating the application of two investors in wind energy resources in two areas. “The applications (of investors) are under evaluation for legal, technical and financial requirements,”...

Painting Roofs white can fight sun’s heat

Students identify a strategy to reduce cost of cooling buildings. Adapting to Climate Change can be done at home, using a paintbrush and white paint. Three biology students from the University of San Carrlos are leading a campaign to paint house roofs white to reduce heat in the surroundings. With the support of the Cebu City Government and Smart Communications Inc., the project was launched last Friday in barangay Luz, Cebu City...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Road Revolution Petition

Shown below is the Road Revolution Petition for the upcoming Cebu Road Revolution which is to be held this coming June 12, 2011 - Philippines Independece Day; in line with that, we seek Freedom from...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Cebu Road Revolution 2011

Road Revolution: Filipinos' Declaration of Independence from Air and Traffic Pollution will be held on June 12, 2011. Walk, Run, Skate, Bike as long as it doesn't pollute. The Road Revolution will be...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Barangay seeks to convert lot into green space

Officials of Barangay Luz in Cebu City asked the Capitol for permission to develop a vacant provincial lot into a park and playground. In a letter to Vice Gov. Agnes Magpale, Barangay Captain Rian C. Tante said the barangay has no other open space except for the provincial lot at the back of the Pag-ibig building in Sitio Sto. Niño3. It covers 1,948 square meters. Tante’s letter was referred to the committee of provincial and...


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