Tuesday, August 17, 2010


This september, there will be a BIG Environmental Event which is Cebu EARTHDANCE 2010! The EARTHDANCE Cebu 2010 is one of the special Events in Cebu that aims to be a Global Festival for Peace and the...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Aboitiz Race to Reduce Challenge!

The “race for the next gen” is part of the Aboitiz Group’s information campaign on its sustainability efforts. “We are not just promoting a healthy lifestyle, we want to leave a good home for the next...

SM Eco Bags 2010 Launched!

SM City Cebu, simultaneously with all the other SM malls in the Philippines launched last August 6, 2010, the second edition of SM's New line of Eco Bags! The new set comes in 4 collectible designs that...


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