Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Go Green Retailing Photo Contest!

For photographers, Photo enthusiasts, Professional or amateur photographers, join the Go Green Retailing Photo Contest here in cebu and win great prizes! MECHANICS: Open to all earth-loving and...

Moon and Venus gives us a SMILE

If you happen to accidentally look up the sky or if your a stargazer or even just heard about it through text/SMS or facebook, all of us were treated to a rare celestial show last Sunday evening as the...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

After Earth Day...

Earth Day came and went without much notice in Metro Cebu, maybe because its election season but still you can differentiate it from Earth hour celenrations. It's weird and ironic that some politicians who dare say that they are for the environment do something opposite to what they say. You can see political posters hammered into trees or ribbons wrapped all over plants. Earth Day is celebrated to promote awareness and seek...

"Operation Daybreak"

Have you heard of "Operation Daybreak"? Perhaps this is the 1st time they have named this but the concept is that it is about catching Environmental Law Violators. The 1st time I saw this or something close to this is through the Santuwaryo: Cebuano Film Experience which was a documentary on Cebu's local fisheries in the province. Daybreak: SWIFT, painful and public.” This was the brief the Visayan Sea Squadron (VSS) took for...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Simple Ring Around the Sun Today

There is a Ring Around the Sun Today! While I was working and minding my own business in my workplace, a sudden commotion on the work chat rooms and those people near the windows caught my attention....


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