Saturday, November 7, 2009

Acts of God and of MAN

Acts of God and of Man, that is the statement I have heard in the news about the recent events happening in our country specifically about the recent typhoons. Our country is simply not prepared to cope with natural disasters. Most of our politicians are still too busy bickering about each others mistakes while the people that they swore to serve are suffering.The UN has made a study and have identified that the Philippines is...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Trip to Inayawan Dumpsite/Landfill

I visited the Inayawan dumpsite/landfill through our learning visit activity in Young Minds Academy-3 and we also went to many areas here in cebu. Literally “Inayawan,” the name of the town means “rejected”...

Saturday, June 6, 2009


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Wednesday, February 18, 2009


We live our lives as if we are detached from our environment and in effect, most of us think for ourselves. This effort to create a green or environmental awareness is not for the sake of joining a "cause" or a "Fad" these days but rather for a bigger picture of our reality.Being green doesn't mean only that we need to save the environment and the animals because they need to be saved, but rather it is more on saving ourselves...


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